ABD Scholarship Fund Program

The Board of Directors of the Association of Blauvelt Descendants established a scholarship program to promote the intellectual development of our members, their families and the community as a whole through financial support. The ABD is proud to be able to offer this assistance. The awards are available each year and will be given as a result of interest earned from bequests and monies donated to this fund in the future. The Scholastic Awards include:

Raymond & Carolyn Blauvelt Scholarship Award ($2,000.)
The Starr & Dorothy Schofield Blauvelt Scholarship Award ($1,000.)
Association of Blauvelt Descendants Scholarship Award ($2,500.)
The Best Essay Award ($500.)

The scholarships are available for high school students applying to college and for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs.

Scholarship Application Procedures

  1.  To apply for any and all of these scholarships, please submit, in the following order:
    1.  Application Form
    2. Proof of Academic Achievement – by providing school transcripts.
    3. Personal Résumé – including school activities, extra-curricular activities, athletics, memberships, honors, awards, community service, volunteer activities, jobs, hobbies and interests.
    4. Personal Essay – at least two pages but not more than three pages, double spaced, 12 pt. and in your own words on the topic, If you could meet with any person, living or dead, for an hour, who would it be and what would you say to them?”
    5. Financial Need Statement – one to two paragraph statement of financial need written by the student.
  2. All required information must be complete. You must make one submission by consolidating your application documents into one single PDF file, entitled with your last name, then first name and assembled in the following order: Application Sheet, Financial Need Statement (if any), Transcript, Resume, and Essay.
  3.  Email documents to ABDScholar at gmail.com by May 1st and include “ABD Scholarship” in the subject field. Late applications will not be considered.

Scholarship Notification and Awarding Procedures

  1. Applications are reviewed by a Scholarship Committee. This committee will recommend nominees for each scholarship to the ABD Board of Directors for vote of approval at  the Spring Board Meeting.
  2. All applicants will be notified in writing directly by the Board of Directors immediately after the selection is made. Scholarship recipients will be asked to provide a photographto be published in the Blauvelt News with their winning essays.
  3. The scholarship award amount will be sent directly to the academic institution listed on the Application Form on behalf of the individual. The money is to be applied to the tuition of the student or other qualified educational expenses.


  1. All eligible applicants are encouraged to re-apply each year for Scholarship Award consideration, regardless of past result.
  2. These scholarships are not a loan and, therefore, do not have to be repaid after graduation.
  3. All tax implications are the responsibility of the award recipient.

The Scholarship Fund Committee

Linda Peterson, Chairman, ABDScholar at gmail.com
William Blauvelt, Barbara Haulenbeek, Thomas Blauvelt, Eleanor Anderson, Carol Blauvelt, Susan Budler

For further information about the Scholarship Fund Program or to make a contribution please contact our Treasurer:

Janet Blauvelt
6531 SE PP Hwy
Holt, MO  64048
(816) 797-5531

Officers of the Association

Brian M. Blauvelt

Pamela Ward

Marilyn N. Bisgrove

The Blauvelt News

The Blauvelt News is published in February, June and October at a cost of $20 per year (included in Membership). Contact our Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer to subscribe. To submit family news contact Editor Susan Heilmann.

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