The Blauvelts
An American Journey

Blauvelt Introduction
The Association of Blauvelt Descendants is a family association that was founded in 1926 to bring together the descendants of Gerrit Hendricksen (Blauvelt). The Association is dedicated to promoting an interest in the history and genealogy of the early Dutch settlers in New Netherland, with particular emphasis on Gerrit Hendricksen van Deventer, who married Marie Lamberts Moll on 7 May 1646 in the New Amsterdam (NYC) Dutch Church, and the descendants of Gerrit’s eight surviving children, Hendrick, Huybert, Johannes, Margrietje, Abraham, Isaac, Marritje, and Elizabeth. The ABD holds Annual Meetings, sponsors a variety of family activities, and publishes historical and genealogical information including its award winning newsletter, The Blauvelt News.
Membership Invitation
All descendants of Gerrit Hendricksen are eligible for membership, upon proof of linage. Adult, Associate and Junior Memberships are available, as well as a Family Membership. In honor of the 100th Annual Meeting new and returning members may have their application fees waived in 2025 only.
Contact ABD Membership Secretary Pamela Ward, 563 St. Anthony Drive, Lexington, KY 40505 for an application or send email. You may download the short application (PDF) and also a supplemental application* (PDF) that gives you the opportunity to add any information you would like included in your genealogical record. Please also fill out our Genealogical Family Group Record* (PDF) which allows you to provide information for our genealogy database.

Featured Merchandise

The Blauvelt News

ABD Rain Jacket

ABD Baseball Cap

American Journey DVD
Officers of the Association
Brian M. Blauvelt
Pamela Ward
Marilyn Bisgrove
The Blauvelt News is published in February, June and October at a cost of $20 per year (included in Membership). Contact our Treasurer to subscribe. To submit family news contact Editor Susan Heilmann.